Our La Mancha Saffron
We are producers and packagers adscribed to the LA MANCHA SAFFRON DESIGNATION OF ORIGIN. We cover the entire process, from bulb planting to packaging and marketing, through to the harvesting and separation of stigma from the saffron flower and drying of the strands.
We only work with saffron from our own harvest and D.O. saffron. Under no circumstances is imported or inferior quality saffron processed. We guarantee values which far surpass the standards stipulated by the UNE-ISO 3632-1 (2011) Standard which specifies that our saffron is included in the TYPE I group, (Highest saffron quality possible). Our saffron obtaining a CROCINE level exceeding 280 points.
The Soil of Saffron Desbrín
The saffron bulb which has adapted perfectly to our terrain. Fertile fields inherited from our grandparents located on the outskirts of Villarrobledo.
A La Mancha municipality belonging to the province of Albacete located in the heart of La Mancha. We have a great respect and are very grateful for what the SOIL gives us, which is why we do not punish it by using fertilisers or pesticides.
We use only earthworm humus to imbue the soil with the necessary amount of organic matter.
The planting, the saffron bulb
After a period of 3 years, the saffron bulb is retrieved from the soil and is transplanted to another plot of land.
The former plot of land will lie fallow for 6 to 8 years until it can be reused for that purpose.
Planting is carried out during the first fortnight of September. It is the only part of the process which is semi-automated. Using a hopper coupled to a tractor which helps to cover large areas.
The bulb used is our own harvested bulb.
The Harvesting of saffron from La Mancha
This is the part of the process which entails the considerably higher amount of work and is still carried out manually. The posture adopted to harvest the flowers occasions severe pain in the lower back (or lumbar region).
Nonetheless, seeing the countryside painted purple every morning is undoubtedly a sight to behold.
The dates of the harvesting of saffron from La Mancha generally range from 20 October to the third week of November. As a rule the saffron in our region is harvested a little latter a little, normally starting in early November.
The separation of stigma from the saffron flowers process
Freshly arrived from the field, the flowers are PLUCKED to obtain the stigmas or the DESBRÍN, the well-known three pronged style (groups of 3 strands).
The lightest part which can be seen in the Manchego saffron corresponds to the style, the part of the flower which is generally spared so that the 3 strands are kept together.
This process is carried out on the same day that the flowers are harvested, otherwise the flower would very quickly oxidise and wither naturally and all quality lost.
The Drying of the brins from La Mancha saffron
In this stage, the strands of saffron are dehydrated until 85% of the moisture that the stigma contain is eliminated (losing practically the same proportion by weight).
This is one of the most delicate tasks in the entire saffron production process. Getting the drying just right is crucial so that the final product has the required quality as regards aroma, moisture and appearance (deep red colour). This operation is in the hands of the matriarch of the family, undoubtedly an added value to our company.
In the same fashion as the previous stage, this part of the process must be completed on the same day that the flower has been harvested. Similarly, the day is deemed as concluded with the Manchego saffron already processed into a spice.
Protected Designation of Origin La Mancha Saffron
We wanted to fall under the umbrella of the Regulatory Council Foundation of the Designation of Origin La Mancha Saffron and to obtain certification as a product protected by that Council in order to objectively guarantee that the product which is offered meets the strictest quality standards. Furthermore, it is the only way to safeguard the La Mancha origin.
All our products have the D.O. label on its packaging. This is the method for identifying La Mancha saffron. Packaging which does not include this label cannot ensure in any manner the origin or quality of its content.
From the Soil and the Sun, Azafrán Desbrín
Following the entire production and packaging process, we present Azafrán Desbrín, the authentic Spanish saffron harvested and packaged in Villarrobledo.
From the soil and the sun to your table, natural and additive free, 100% natural.
Our proposal is to offer the highest quality saffron on the market, organic and at a fair price. This is obtained by covering the entire traceability ourselves and reducing to a minimum intermediaries.